What are regular school hours?
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 7:55am – 3:55pm
Wednesday: 7:55am – 1:55pm
School is open for drop off at 7:45am.
What is an “Early Release Day?”
Dismissal on District Early Release Days is at 1:55pm
(even if the Early Release Day is a Wednesday)
Half Days release at 11:55am.
Teachers usually send notes home reminding families of special holidays and early dismissal days.
When are school holidays?
CPSD School Calendar
MLK School Calendar
How do I find out if school is open? (e.g. snow days)
CPSD website
Call the 24-hour Link Line: 617.349.6513.
Watch major television and radio stations for closing announcements.
Note: the district may place robocalls to inform families of school closings or other events or emergencies.
How do I find out my child’s school bus and schedule?
Information on bus routes, bus tracker apps, and general information on transport can be found on the CPS Transportation site.
How do I get a Bus Tag for my child?
You will be notified through ParentSquare (school-home communications app) about your child’s eligibility. Children will receive a yellow bus tag that gets attached to their backpacks.
I plan on driving. Is there parking?
No. You will need to find street parking.
Where/when do I drop off my child for school?
Children should enter at the Magee or Putnam Street entrances between 7:45 and 7:55. If you are late, you will need to enter through the main Putnam Street entrance and sign in with the front office.
Where/when do I pick up my child from school?
Children should be picked up at from the main Putnam Street entrance at 3:55pm on M, T, Th, F, and at 1:55pm on Wednesdays.
What if I need to make a change to my child’s after school transportation?
For any change in after school transportation (e.g. I can’t pick my child up, need him/her to ride the bus, etc), please notify your child’s teacher the day before or the office the day of; they will let the classroom teacher know.
What if I’m running late?
If you are more than 5 minutes late for pick-up, your child will be brought to the main office and you will be called.
Can I have someone else pick up my child from school?
Only if that person is listed as an Emergency Pick-Up Person for your child. If the person is not listed as an Emergency Pick-up, you will need to write a note/email to your classroom teacher(s).
Can I check if the bus is late?
You can follow the Cambridge Buses in real time via the Bus Tracker.
What happens if I miss my child at the bus stop?
Your child may choose to bring food from home, or receive meals at school at no charge. Monthly lunch menus are posted on the CPS Food and Nutrition Services site.
What are my child’s options for mealtimes at school?
Your child may choose to bring food from home, or receive meals at school at no charge. Monthly lunch menus are posted on the CPS Food and Nutrition Services site.
How do snack times work?
Kindergarteners usually have one snack in the morning and one in the afternoon. Other grade levels may have other snack schedules. Teachers will communicate with families. Kids may bring a snack from home. Some classrooms ask parents to contribute shared snacks (e.g. crackers, goldfish). Check with your child’s teacher. Find out if there are any restrictions on snacks due to food allergies (e.g. nuts may be restricted from classroom snacktime, though allowed at lunchtime). Children may also be asked to bring a water bottle to keep in the classroom.
Who do I notify if my child is sick and won’t be coming to school? Who do I notify if my child will be late for school?
In both cases, fill out the MLK Attendance Form in advance or call the school at 617.349.6562. Leave a message with the date and time, your child’s name, teacher name, and classroom number. You may also email your child’s teacher. Whenever possible, give advance notice to your child’s teacher.
If your child is late to school, go to the office to fill out a tardy slip. Your child will bring the slip to the teacher.
What are my options for After-School Care?
DHSP (Department of Human Services Programs) offers two onsite programs for After-School Care. The Cambridge Community Center is a few blocks away. Find It Cambridge is a city run resources that includes many After-School options.
i) DHSP Childcare Afterschool
The DHSP provides after-school care from the end of the school-day until 5:55pm. DHSP after-school is open during school vacation weeks and on snow days. Note that this program fills up very quickly. It is advisable to apply in the Spring, as soon as you know your child will be enrolling in MLK School. Tuition is on a sliding-fee scale.
Who to contact: 617-349-6200 or [email protected].
ii) DHSP Community Schools Program
Community Schools run many after-school enrichment classes, such as Soccer, Lego Club, Homework Help, etc. These after-school activities are scheduled directly after school, in one hour blocks, and take place in the school (except for swimming). If you sign up for multiple activities, you can effectively extend your child’s after-school care until 6pm.
Registration is by lottery. There are two semesters, fall and spring. Please watch for announcements from the Community School director.
On District Early Release Days, Community Schools usually run special activities to help families who need childcare coverage. You need to sign up for these separately.
Director of MLK Community School: Claire Carr at 617-349-6269, or [email protected].
iii) Cambridge Community Center
The Cambridge Community Center (CCC) picks up kids at MLK and walks them over to their location a few blocks away. They’re open many days that school is closed.Register on their enrollment page.
My child has a food (or other) allergy. What do I do?
On the first day of school, bring Epi-Pens and all other medications to the School Nurse. You will need to have an Emergency Action Plan for your child. Also inform your teachers of your child’s allergy and any special concerns you may have.
There is a nut-free table in the cafeteria at lunchtime.
Other health concerns? Speak directly to the School Nurse at 617-349-6563.
If you have any other questions or concerns you may:
- ask your child’s teacher
- ask our Family Liaison, Marguerite Hicks-Gyewu
- post your question to other parents on the MLK-Community List-Serv by emailing [email protected] (you must be a member of the MLK-Community Mailing List to post)